Purchase Apto Exam

The purpose of our exam is to empower students and present them with a fairer exam which will better prepare them for the challenges ahead.


  • Prepare your child confidently for their 11+ or ISEB exam with a familiar and structured format

  • Gain valuable insights into your child's academic strengths and areas that may need attention.

  • Support targeted learning and personalised growth based on detailed results analysis

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Choose your Packages


As soon as your child finishes their realistic Apto Pre-Test experience, you will be able to see detailed results analysis on your dashboard



This includes the crucial Standardised Age Score (SAS) for each subject as well as performance statistics detailing how their performance ranks in comparison to other students such as the stanine, percentile rank and group rank.

Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis

Our AI based software instantly analyses not just their accuracy in answering the questions, but looks for patterns in specific areas where they might need further work, or how effectively they allocate time to different portions of the exam. The insight provided is invaluable in highlighting key development areas ahead of the real exam.


ENGLISH assesses two distinct areas of knowledge – reading comprehension and SPaG which stands for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.

Apto pretests packages - quality 1

MATHS assesses students in the main national curriculum topics of Place Value, Measurement, Decimals & Percentages, Fractions, Stats and Geometry.

Apto pretests packages - quality 2

VERBAL REASONING assesses a student’s comprehension, reasoning and logic using letter and language based questions. Sections include Letter Transfer, Antonyms and Word Combinations.

Apto pretests packages - quality 3

NON-VERBAL REASONING assesses logic, critical thinking and problem-solving skills using figures and diagrams. Sections include matrices, shape analogies and codes.

Apto pretests packages - quality 4